2. Setting up the module
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User group
It should be considered if it is beneficial to create a new user group when you are implementing the Onboarding module.
The access to different menus is regulated by user groups, and the standard user group for all employees is EMPLOYEE. For new onboarders the system can be set up with a simpler menu system, but to achieve this the EMPLOYEE needs to be used for the task (it is automatically given when creating a Self Service profile). A new user group can then be set up "with the rest" of the menu structure and given to the person after they have finished the onboarding process.
The Menu items are set up in Admin | Menu | Menu items. Select the structure and item you want for the group. We suggest using the "Reference box" functionality for the new employees. See here for more information: Presenting policies and standards
The dashboard
You will need to create a common dashboard in Self Service for all personnel you want to run through the onboarding process, and one dashboard for those doing an offboarding process. They will be using the same dashboard, but the content of the dashboard can be set up differently according to the group of employees.
With administrator privileges, open the menu item Admin | Configure dashboards. Use the Edit/Add Dashboard to select a suitable layout, select "Shared dashboard", and press "Save". Please also visit this manual: Dashboard - setup
On the new dashboard you need to Compose a "Welcome text" that we suggest at least contains the following information
- When the process is supposed to be finished
- How do the different tasks
- How to do the training modules
- How to update the personal information
- How to use the available menus
- How to switch to a different dashboard when the onboarding process is finished
Selecting the plugins for the dashboard
Several plugins can be beneficial for a new employee, but we suggest the following minimum:
Page Content; The plugin that will present your welcome text and description of the process. In the "Select page" drop-down you select a User text that you have to make in Admin | Menu | Text
Competence requirements setup: For showing the onboarding training matrix. You need to create a corresponding Competence Category in OCS HR. Competence setup. The onboarding employee will start the training directly from the plugin by clicking on a link.
We suggest that you use Trainingportal to put together a package to cover the requirements. Several different tools are available such as:
- Pre-made Elearning modules
- Self-composed Elearning modules
- Documents to read
- Videos
- Familiarisations with competence verification
- Checklists
- Etc. Contact Mintra for more information
Workflow tasks setup: This plugin will present the tasks that the employee needs to do. Select the corresponding workflow. For how to set up workflows in OCS HR please see further down on this page.
Shortcut menu setup: Collecting a set of quick-to-find shortcuts to external sources of information. Presenting policies and standards
Setting up the workflows in OCS HR
A central part of the onboarding functionality is to present the organisation and the new employee with a workflow and a task list that will ensure an optimal process. Different people and roles can be presented to different tasks that need to be done in a specific order. The new employee will only be presented with the tasks he/she needs to do in the plug-in mentioned above. For example, the IT Manager can first be presented with the task "Prepare new laptop" before the new employee gets the task "Sign out a new laptop from the IT Manager".
Read more here: Workflow Setup
You can make as many workflows as you want, but make sure that the Workflow module "Onboarding" is selected in the drop-down
Set the system up to auto-enrol new employees to training courses
The system needs to be set up to automatically enrol the new employee on the Elearning courses described above. This is done in OCS HR. Open the top menu item Competence | Integrations | Course vendors. Then select Trainingportal from the drop-down. Select the "Setup" tab. Select the Requirement category you want the employee to be auto-enrolled to. Please notice that this selection also applies when employees get new roles and positions, not only when they are newly employed.
To prevent current employees from being enrolling in Onboarding courses, a new competency can be integrated into the system. This competency, for example given the name "Completed Onboarding Training," can be established and included as an alternative competence under Basic Data | Competence | Competence Requirements.
Once created, the "Completed Onboarding Training" competency can be systematically applied to all existing employees through the "Mass Registration of Competencies" feature. This ensures that employees who have undergone previous onboarding are appropriately identified and exempted from redundant training sessions.
Set the system to automatically distribute the Onboarding dashboard to new employees
The system needs to be set up to automatically distribute the
In OCS HR open Basic data | USer setup | Creating ESS user. Then select the onboarding dashboard as "Default dashboard". Each new employee then will be given this dashboard at startup. Please notice that the dashboard needs to be changed to "Normal" after the onboarding process has been done. This also applies to Offboarding dashboards. They need to be selected manually by the employee.
Giving access to the Self Service menu items
Onboarding tasks
Having administrator privileges, open Admin | Menu | Menu admin.
Identify the item "Onboarding tasks" and give access to the correct user groups. Normally HR personnel will need this menu item that initiates the task list to be performed in the onboarding process.
Open Admin | Basic data | Group access. Identify the function Onboardingtasks.aspx and give the privilege to required user groups.
Admin Workflow
The "Admin workflow" menu item helps an HR manager oversee the onboarding process and also manage any issues
Having administrator privileges, open Admin | Menu | Menu admin.
Identify the item "Admin Workflow" and give access to the correct user groups. Normally HR personnel will need this menu item.
Open Admin | Basic data | Group access. Identify the function in Search_Workflowlist and potentially also adminworkflow.aspx and give the privilege to the required user groups.