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07. Using the Qualification functionality in the integration with Trainingportal OJT Competence assurance

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Different positions in the organisation can be given the same training requirement, but the level of expected knowledge can be different.

If a levelled system of competence is required, the integration between OCS and Trainingportal needs to use the Competence type "Qualifications" in OCS to set up matrixes. It's possible to use "Certificates" and "Course diplomas" as well, but these categories cannot be levelled, only be set to "Done".

The final matrix with level requirements will show in OCS, and after complete training and the results have been returned to OCS, the achieved level of competence will show in the OCS reports and views.

The set up

In the OCS HR menu Basic data | Competence | Qualification values, hard-coded "Trainingportal Levels" are used to work in the integration with Trainningportal. Please note that Columns "No" and "Code" need to be kept as is, but the written descriptions can be changed. See this example:

When the Qualification levels have been set, they can be used in Qualifications. Open Basic data | Competence | Competence /Assessments.

Then tis requirement needs to be mapped against a Competence element in Trainingportal. First you have to make this Competence element and make sure that the grade level is used correspondingly in Trainingportal. See this article.

Then you have to import the Competence element in OCS, before you do the final mapping in Basic data | Course administration | Course leads to competence.

Building the requirement matrix

The new Qualification level is ready to be given to the different positions using the standard Competence requirement functionality. Set the required level.

The complete matrix containing the levels will be shown in the Basic data | Competence | Competence requirements. Open the structure "Responsible for the requirement" and select "None". Use the filter to make your selection.

Also, the main competence report Competence | Status competence requirements, will show the level of the required competence, and when the training is done, and the status received back from Trainingportal from the integration, the level of the obtained qualification will show in the report. If it is the same or higher, the person will become "Compliant".

In the example below The required level of competence level for the Qualification "Anchor handling" for Chief Engineers is set to 4. The first person has performed to a 5 and got compliance, the next has performed to a 2, and is still non-compliant, and the last one in Yellow has been enrolled to the Competence element in Trainingportal, but has not been completed yet.

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