Copy Payscale to employees
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Is it possible to mass-copy a payscale to employees in a selected company.
Prepare the process
Update the payscale with the new rates and formulas.
The rates can be copied from an Excel sheet. First, make a complete view of all new- and updated rates in Excel.
Select the area that contains the figures you want to copy, and press Ctrl+C.
Make sure that the Payscale set up in OCS matches correctly with the wage groups in the same order and the same number of years. Use the Actions | Add year to Matrix to add more years. Place the marker in the upper left square. Right-click the mouse, and select "Paste" or press Ctrl+V to paste the content from Excel. It is also possible to copy just a part of the matrix e.g. two rows or one column, the content in the clipboard is pasted from the cell that has focus.
Verify that the numbers are correct and press F12 to save.
Sort the rate elements
To work correctly for all rates with a calculation rule, you must ensure that the rate elements are in the correct logical order in the payscale you want to update. The "Common rates" are often used in the "Calculation rules". Also within the Calculation rules, a dependency might require a specific order of the rates, typically a number that is found in a calculation rule, and then used in the calculation rules below. To be able to do the sorting, change the numbers in the column "Order". The system will then rearrange the rate elements accordingly. If you want the rate "Overtime rate" to be moved before the "Monthly salary", you can do this by changing the number 130 in the "Order column" to a number between 110 and 120.
Copy the new payscale to employees
Open Action menu | Copy rates to employees.
In the view that opens, select the "Company", the "Date from" and the rates you want to copy from the drop-down.
Select the box "Select the ones without a valid rate per date" if you want to exclude employees that already have a rate valid from on the date specified in “Date from:”.
Notice that you can access the person's "Money bag" by selecting the person and then clicking "Salary information" from the Action menu.
The content in the columns
The tab "Selection" and "Rates for transfer" give an overview of updates that can be done without any adjustments needed. The content in the columns can be sorted by clicking at the top of each column.
The tab "Selection" and then "Rates for review" show rates that need some attention before they can be copied.
The columns present this information:
"Action": If the Action column shows "Skip" the rates will not be copied to the employees when the "Copy rates" in the action menu is selected. The reason for the "Skip" value is shown in the column "Reason". The drop-down can be set to "Copy" if the logic allows it. In the Action menu the selection "Set copy on all rows" will change all drop-downs to "Copy".
"Use percentage position": This column is only editable if the reason is “Use percentage position?”. This happens when a person is not employed in a full-time position and the employee does not have the same rate element in his/her salary information window i.e only new rates for persons who work part-time will show as selectable. The box should be selected to multiply the rate with the percentage. If it's not selected, he/she will get the full rate, if it is left unchanged the rate will not be copied to the employee.
"Reason": Lists why the rate ended up in the "Rates for review":
- Overruled: The employee at one point got this rate manually entered
- Missing wage group: This only applies to rates given in a Matrix. The employees don't have a corresponding position to fit the matrix value
- Overwrite existing rate: There is a valid rate already. You need to decide if the existing rate should be overwritten by using the drop-down.
- Missing wage seniority: The employee is missing wage seniority. Go to the employee’s salary information by using the shortcut in the action menu
- Copied from company: The rate is copied from company
- Copied from department: The rate is copied from department
- Manual input: The rate is added manually
- Copied from another payscale: The rate is copied from another payscale
- Newer rate exists: There is a rate with a newer start date
Copying rates
From the Action menu, select "Copy rates".
After the system has updated the rates, the result will show in the tab "Result".