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06. Assign Courses

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Navigate to the Courses panel on the left and click on Assign Courses. All licenses purchased from the Safebridge Shop are displayed here.

If more than one Companies are associated with a Business Admin, select the desired Company from the drop-down menu at the top-right corner and the available licenses will appear.

The Courses Names will be displayed along with the Available Licenses, the Ordered Licenses, the Order Reference and the Order Date of the courses.

Click on the desired course and a list of all End Users appear. Search for the user by either email, first name or last name, select the trainee(s), and click on the Send Invitation button.

An email notification is forwarded to the End User(s) with instructions how to start the course.

If more assignments are needed, click on the Continue with another assignment button and follow the same steps as explained above.

In case a Training Package is purchased, there is one more step to follow. Click on the training package and select a course from the drop-down menu.

Choose the End User(s) from the list and click on the Send Invitation button.

An email notification is forwarded to the End User(s) with instructions how to start the course.

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