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01. Organisational Structure

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One of the key components to managing your workforce in Trainingportal is the Organisational Structure. You can use org units to categorize your employees by department, asset, job position & any other filing structure that matches your needs. The folders are flexible and allow you to define the structure that you need to make automation and reporting much easier in other modules of the system.

Creating the Initial Structure

The key part to creating a suitable organisational structure in the portal is deciding on what you will need to see when it comes to filtering reports and making bulk course assignments etc. The organisational units will influence the efficiency of running specific reports that are pre-filtered and will also allow you to bulk assign roles, courses and training groups. For example, if you build a structure that categories employees by job position only, you may not be able to then run completion reports based on their remote asset, location or vessel.

Start by creating a high-level structure, remember it's possible for users to have more than one organisational unit. It's common for our customers to have two top folders, one for location, asset or vessel and then a second for their job positions. Each top folder can then contain their own separate organisational unit tree.

Adding Subunits

Once you have created the initial high-level folder, select the new folder and then click the + sign to create a subunit within the selected folder. Continue using this process to create several sub units under one main folder.

Moving Org units

If you have created a folder in the wrong place or if you would like to re-structure the folders it is simple to move the unit to a new space. Use the arrow symbol to move the unit and then select the new top-level unit that you would like to move the unit into.

Copying & Moving Users

Once you have defined the main structure you can start to add and move users into these new folders. Using the arrows on the organisational unit that you have selected you can choose to copy or move users into a different folder. If you select the copy option (dual page icon), users will remain in the current folder and also be added to the new folder that you select. If you select the move option (arrow icon), users will be removed from the current organisational unit and placed into the new unit.

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