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01. Reports Overview

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We understand that it is important to be able to report on the data that is in Trainingportal. In the Reports tab you will find different report types which will show you different types of data in various different formats. The system allows you to easily save your preferred reports, making sure you have easy access to them whenever you need them. You can also schedule reports and have them sent to you (or other admins) automatically in a set interval. All reports generated from Trainingportal will open in Excel, facilitating the option to create various graphs and statistical overviews.

Report types

User reports

Number of loginsShows the number of logins for each day in a given period.
Number of usersShows number of users per organizational unit. All users are counted, also inactive ones.
User informationShows the selected users and their info.

Course reports

Course statusShows the selected users, with status and description of the courses they are enrolled in.
Course registrationsShows the course registrations in a given period.
Course overview
Shows information about all available courses and classes.

Competence reports

Reports are available at portals using the competence module.

Competence matrix
Shows a matrix of the selected users and the status for their roles and competences.
Competence status
Shows the selected users, with status and description of their roles and competences, and the latest comments.
Competence requirement matrix
Shows a matrix with the requirements for roles/competence groups.
Competence status matrix
Shows the chosen roles and users in rows and requirements in columns.

Other reports

Course status for course providers

The report is available for course providers, and can be made available for customers with their own portal.

The report is relevant if you are sharing your courses across the industry, as it allows you to see status for enrolments to your courses from other portals.

Please contact us if you would like the report to be made available on your portal.

Account usage details

Administrators with separate client account have access to this report. The report shows activity on the accounts.

Saved reports and scheduling

At the bottom of the Reports page, you will see your saved reports and subscriptions.

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