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02. How to use the survey

9 people found this article helpful

You can add a survey to the end of a course, or send it directly on e-mail to registered users in Trainingportal.

Add survey to a course

Once you have created your survey, you can connect it to one or multiple courses. Go to the courses tab and then locate the course you would like to add the survey to. Then go to the Survey tab on the course where you will be able to add the survey and set it as a non-mandatory or required activity for the course to log completion.

Send survey on e-mail

Once you have published your survey form, you can send it on e-mail to registered users in Trainingportal. Note all participants will have to have an account in Trainingportal no matter if the survey is set to anonymous or not.

Go to the Details tab and click Send survey. You will then be able to select the users that should receive the survey, and create the e-mail that should be sent to the survey participants.

  • The code will automatically display the title of the survey in the e-mail subject field. You can change this if you'd like.
  • The code #%survey.url%# will automatically display the link to the survey in the e-mail. You should keep this in the e-mail, so that the recipients can click on the link to access the survey.

Tip! If you would like for the system to send out reminders for mandatory surveys on courses, you can use the course enrolment reminder notification and include the code for direct access for easy access to the course. For surveys sent on e-mail, you can send the survey again and specify in the e-mail that this is a reminder. Participants who have already submitted the survey, will be prevented from answering and submitting the survey again.

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