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03. How can I proceed in the course? The course stops on the first page.

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The navigation bar with next and previous buttons are usually located at the bottom of the course window. If you are unable to see the navigational buttons, you most likely do not have the appropriate screen size set for the course. You will have to change the screen size on your computer in order to progress within the course.

1. Press and hold the CTRL key (bottom left on the keyboard) then tap the minus key ( - ) once or twice

2. If you are still not seeing the navigation bar at the bottom of the course window, please Close the course if it is open and try the below:

  • Click on the 3 dots/lines icon in the top right corner of the browser.
  • Under “Zoom” this should be set to 100%.
  • Open the course once more and this should resolve the issue.

If you still cannot navigate in the course, try to close the course and change the zoom level to 90% or 110%.

Google Chrome:

Microsoft Edge:

3. If you are still having issues, please click the F11-key on your keyboard while the course is playing. This should prompt the course to open in full screen mode.

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