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04. Create & Edit Question Banks

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You can create your own tests and exams in Trainingportal and connect these to pre-tests and exams in courses or competence tests. Before you can set up the tests and exams, you will have to create a question bank with questions to be used in the test or exam. The same question bank can be used for multiple tests and exams.

Create a new question bank

You can create a question bank with questions in the E-learning tab.

Select create question bank and give your question bank a title (this title will only appear in the administrator interface, and will not be visible to the student), and choose which languages you want the questions to be available in. You can choose between the languages that are enabled on your portal. If you would like to inquire about which language options are available, please contact your Key Account Manager in Mintra.

Tip! It is possible to copy an existing question bank and use it as a template to create a new one. To do this, click on the copy question bank option within the Details section of the existing question bank.

Now you are ready to add in your questions. Add questions by clicking one of the question-buttons.

Types of questions

Multiple choiceIn a multiple choice question, the user must select the correct answer from a list of answer alternatives. The answer from the user is automatically compared to the correct answer defined in the question, and the answer is autocorrected.

Alternatives can be set to be randomised.
Free textIn a free text question, the user must formulate a response. This type of question requires an administrator to approve or disapprove the answer.
Free text predefinedIn a free text question with a predefined answer, the answer from the user is automatically compared word-by-word to the correct answer defined in the question, and the answer is autocorrected.
True / FalseIn this question type, the user must decide if a statement is true or false.

Media types

You can add the following media types to a question:



Picturejpg, jpeg, png

An image with proportions 310 * 400 pixels will be displayed in full size when students see the question. When using other sizes than this, a rule of thumb is to make sure that the picture you upload is in landscape format, and not in portrait mode.

Note! You can only add one media type per question.

Question groups

If you have a large question bank where only a subset of questions will be pulled for the assessment, we recommend that you create question groups and categorise your questions into these. The question group has two purposes:

  • To be able to draw questions from different groups (when you set up your test or exam, you will be able to specify the number of questions that should be pulled from each group, and that way you can make sure that all parts are covered)
  • To uncover a student's level in various fields

One question can belong to several groups. The engine which extracts questions from different groups will take into account that questions can belong to several groups, and will not draw the same question several times.

Publish question bank

Once you are happy with your question bank, go to the Details tab and set your question bank to published. You can then go to the relevant course or competence and set up the pre-test, exam, or competence tests.

You can amend the test and exam settings from the relevant course or competence. The questions in the exam will be available for you to amend within the question bank. You can edit a question in a question bank regardless of the status of the question bank.

Edit or delete questions in an existing question bank

You can edit the questions within the question bank from the Content tab. If the question you would like to change has been answered in an assessment, you will see that some options have been disabled. For these questions, you can change the status for the question to inactive and it will then not be pulled for the tests and exams. Furthermore, to create a new version of the question, you can use the copy option and then make the required changes.

You can only delete questions that have not been answered in an assessment. If someone has answered the question, it is not possible to delete the question. This is because the results are already generated. If you would still like it to be removed from the assessment, you can disable the question. Click the edit button to change the status of the question to inactive.

You can reorder the display of questions. Click the Reorder button for the question you would like to move, enter the number for the location of the question and click Move.

Edit test or exam settings

To edit the settings of a pre-test or exam, go to the relevant course. Then click the Content tab and select the link for the pre-test or exam. You will then be able to change the settings for the number of attempts, questions to be drawn and requirements to pass.

To edit the settings of a competence test, go into the relevant competence test. Then select the Test tab where you will be able to change the settings for the number of attempts, questions to be drawn and requirements to pass.

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