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07. Add competence requirements

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To add a competence requirement, click the button Add competence requirement.

You will then be asked to complete these steps:

  1. Select competencies
    • Select the role, competence group or competence that you want to add by ticking the boxes to the left.
    • You may select several items at a time. You can also filter the results based on type, do a competence search, see all available competencies or view your selected competencies.
  2. Set requirement period
    • You can now plan for new competence requirements in the future, and determine whether a requirement should only apply for a limited period.
    • A period can have both a start and end date, or it can have just a start date or an end date.
    • Requirements with a start date in the future is shown with color code grey for Future requirement. The requirement will only appear in reports when the requirement is applicable for the user.
  3. Set completion date
    • Only relevant if the user has already completed the training.
    • If you are adding roles or competence groups, you can only set a completion date on the top level; i.e. for the role or competence group, and not for the competence requirements. You can set a completion date for the competence requirements after adding the role/package, by clicking the button Add completed competence.
    • If the competence is not yet complete, just click Next.
  4. Confirm
    • You can see an overview of the competencies and courses that will be added to the user's profile.

When requirements are added, you can see them on the user profile in the Competence requirement tab.

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