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08. Add completed competence

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To add completed competences, click the button Add completed competences. Note that these competences will not automatically be listed as requirements, and will be found under Other competence.

You will then be asked to complete these steps:

  1. Add completed competences
    • Select the role, competence group or competence that you want to add by ticking the boxes to the left.
    • You may select several items at a time. You can also filter the results based on type, do a competence search, see all available competencies or view your selected competencies.
  2. Set completion dates
    • You must enter a completed date.
    • If you are adding several roles, packages or competencies, you may choose to set the dates individually or complete all with the same date.
    • If date already is set, this means that the competence is already registered with the given date.
  3. Confirm
    • You can see an overview of the competences and courses that will be added to the users profile.

Please note!

Completed competences that are requirements for a user, will be registered in the Competence requirements tab on the user profile.

Completed competences that aren't a requirement for a user, will be registered in the Other competence tab on the user profile.

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