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02. Create New Survey

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When creating a survey, you can either create a new, or copy an existing one.

To copy an existing survey, click Copy in the table to the right of the title of the survey.

To create a new survey, do the following:

  1. Click the button Create new survey.
  2. Fill in the form
    1. It is optional if you want to add an introduction to the survey.
    2. Participation in the survey is default set to anonymous. If you want a non-anonymous participation, deselect the checkbox.
    3. When you click Save, the survey will be created. It is not yet published, but has the status Draft. You can publish it later, from the tab Details.
  3. To add questions, click one of the buttons for adding questions.
    1. Read about the question types here.
    2. The Preview button shows you the survey in the way it will look for the respondent.
  4. When the survey is created, you need to publish it to be able to use it in a course or send it on e-mail.
    1. Click the Details tab.

    2. Click Edit and select the status Published.
  5. You can now use the survey by sending it on e-mail to selected users on Trainingportal, or adding it to courses at Trainingportal. Read more about this here.

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