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13. Font and media types in a question bank

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The question and complementary response can be edited. The font size is defined in pixels, and in the table below you can see how pixels convert to points.

Predefined font sizes:

  • Question and response is set to 18 pixels, which converts to 13,5 points. This size can be changed in the editor.
  • Answers is set to 16 pixels, which converts to 12 points. This size cannot be changed.
15 px11 pt
16 px12 pt
17 px13 pt
18 px13,5 pt
19 px14 pt
20 px14,5 pt


You can add the following mediatypes to a question:

  • Video
  • Picture
  • Sound
  • Link

You can only add one mediatype per question.


Du kan legge til en link til en video som ligger på Det er foreløpig kun denne strømmetjenesten som kan brukes. Dersom du ikke ønsker dette, kan du laste opp en video fra din lokale disk. Den må da være i formatet .mp4.


Recommended image sizes:

An image with the proportions 310 * 400 pixles, will be displayed in full size when the students see the question.

When using other sizes than this, a rule of thumb is to make sure that the picture you upload is in landscape format, do not use portrait.

You will get a good result if you use the ratio 9:7 for your image. This means that no matter how large or small the picture is, if the width is divided into 9 units of equal length and height measured using the same unit of length, the height will measure 7 units.

In case you need to show the student a detailed picture that require a higher resolution than 310 pixels, you can also use bigger pictures, eg. with the proportion 900 * 700 pixles. The picture will be shown in the right corner of the test window, but the student can click on it to enlarge it.

Fileformats that can be used: .jpg (.jpeg) and .png.


You can choose to upload an audio file (.mp3). You need to provide a title for the audio, which will be shown to the student. The sound will be played with the built-in media player that comes with the browser, and will therefore look different and could have different functionality in different browsers, for example.


Internet Explorer:


En ekstern lenke vil vises for studenten som et inkon. Du må legge til en tittel eller instruksjon i tillegg til url. Url'en vil åpne en ny side i nettleseren.

An external link will be displayed to the student as an icon. You need to add a title or an instruction in addition to the URL. URL's will open a new page in the browser.

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