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08. Requirements for a role/competence group

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Roles and competence groups have competence requirements. You can see these in the tab Requirements, and the requirements can be competence groups, competencies or courses from the course catalogue at Trainingportal.

Mandatory or not

When you define requirements for competence groups and roles, they will by default be set as mandatory. It is possible to edit a requirement, and set that a competence group or competence is not mandatory. This is how you do this:

  1. Go to the competence group or role.
  2. Click the Requirements tab.
  3. Click on the edit icon.
  4. Deselect the Mandatory check-box and click Update.

With competence groups you can decide that the package as a whole is optional. You can also decide which of the included competence groups and roles should be mandatory or optional.

Either/or requirements

If several courses cover the same requirements for a role or competence group, you can set up an either/or requirement.

Thus, users must either complete "Course 1", "Course 2" or "Course 3".

  1. Add the requirements
  2. Click the Edit link above the table
  3. Choose that only one requirement must be completed

You can see if all or only one requirement must be completed, by reading the text to the left above the table. The text will either state All requirements must be completed or Only one requirement must be completed. You can also see in the table, that the column for Mandatory will state Either.

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