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03. Competence Requirement Matrix

6 people found this article helpful

This report will show a matrix with the requirements for roles/competence groups.

To generate a report go to the tab "Reports" and click on "Competence requirement matrix".

  1. Select roles and competence groups, select between:
    1. All roles
    2. Selected roles and competence groups:
      1. Click on Select Competences
      2. Tick the competences you wish to see in the report
      3. Click Save
  2. Add additional filters
    a. Hide requirements for competence groups with either/or requirement
    b. Hide requirements for competence groups
    c. Show all requirements
  3. Click the "Generate" button to generate the report.
    1. If you want the report sent to your e-mail, tick the box. For large reports it is better to receive the report sent to your e-mail, so you don’t have to wait until the report is being generated.
    2. Click on "Reset" to make a new report.
    3. Save report template to subscribe to a report

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