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05. How to Use the Survey

1 people found this article helpful

Note! A survey must be published before it can be used. You can publish it from the Details tab.

Use in a course

To use the survey in a course, you must first go to the Courses tab and link it to the course itself.

Read more about this here.

Send by e-mail

  1. Go to the tab Details.
  2. Click on the button Send survey.
  3. You're now enter a wizard, where you first need to select users.
    1. Note that you can only send the survey to users registered at Trainingportal.
  4. In the next step you must write the content of your message.
    • The code will automatically display the title of the survey in the e-mail subject field. You can change this if you'd like.
    • The code #%survey.url%# will automatically display the link to the survey in the e-mail. You should keep this in the e-mail, so that the recipient can click on the link to access the survey.
  5. In the last step, you can see the recipients and the content of the email. Click the Send button to send out the survey.

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