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06. Other competence

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The Other competence tab shows competencies that a user has completed even though they are not required for his current position.

This tab will also display competencies that have been deleted by an administrator, as well as competencies with expired validity.

Color codes

  • Green = Completed
  • Yellow = Expired
  • Beige = In progress. The competence has been a requirement where the user had started the training. Then the competence was removed as a requirement and moved to Other competence.

Add other competence

You can register competence a user has by clicking the button Add completed competence.

Edit completion date

Click the calendar icon

in the Completion date column, input a date, and click OK.

Valid until

Click the calendar icon

in the Valid until column, input a date, and click OK.


If a competence includes a progression log, you can click the Edit

icon to view and edit it. For a checklist, a link entitled Go to check list will be visible.


  • You can add attachments to any competence item.
  • Click the attachment icon to select the file you'd like to attach. You may upload several files.
  • A number will be added to the Attachment icon indicating the number of files attached.


Click the trash can icon

to completely delete a competence from a user. Note that the competence will be irretrievably deleted.

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