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06. Results from the Survey

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Results from a course

  1. Go to the tab Courses and to the course.
  2. Click the tab Surveys.
    1. The table will show the survey(s) used in the course.
    2. In the column Answers you can see the number of replies received from the users on the course.
  3. Click the link xx answers to go to the results of the survey.

If the survey is added to a classroom course or a combined course, you can filter the responses:

  • From the course, ie all classes combined.
  • From a selected class

Note that you may also go to the tab Surveys and filter from there.

A total overview of all responses for a survey

A survey can be used in several courses.
To see a total overview of the results from all courses, do the following:

  1. Go to the tab Surveys and click a survey name .
  2. Click the tab Results.
  3. You may now click Statistics to see a statistical view of the results.
    1. You can filter results down to one course, a course class or e-mail distribution.
  4. To see a list of individual answers, click Responses.
    1. If the survey is anonymous, the names of the respondent will not appear.
    2. Click on the View answer link to see an individual answer.
    3. You can filter results down to one course, a course class or an e-mail distribution.

You may export the results to Excel by clicking on the button Export to Excel.

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