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08. Information on e-learning content

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Download content

Click Download content to download the course files in a compressed folder.

Update content

Click Select file to update the e-learning content and overwrite identical files. The course structure file "imsmanifest.xml" may not be overwritten. This means you should not use this feature if your update includes structural changes like new or removed sequences and modules. In this case, you should use the versioning feature instead.

Preview elearning module

It's possible to preview an e-Learning module which has been imported in Trainingportal.

  1. In the above photo you can see that there's six different module in the course, and the first module has been highlighted. You can choose another module by clicking on it instead.
  2. Click on the link Preview module to preview of the current module selected. The course will run normally, but the progress log will not be saved.
  3. When you wish to quit the preview of the module you can do that as usual, and then you will be back in Trainingportal.

Note: It's a possibility that some modules may not be previewed.

Elearning package versions

This function should be used if the update includes structural changes, i.e. new and/or removed sequences or modules.

Click Add to add a new version of e-learning content.

Users who have already opened the course will see the same version as before, but users who have not opened the course, will see the new version.

Used in courses

Here you will see the courses using this course package.

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