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02. Competence Matrix

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This report will show a matrix of the chosen users and the status for their roles and competences.

To generate the report, do the following:

  1. Select users, and filter:
    1. All users
    2. All users in these organizational units
      1. Select organizational units
    3. Individual users
      1. Select users
    4. Exclude inactive users
      1. Tick this box if you'd like to exclude the inactive users from the report.
  2. Select roles and competences, and filter:
    1. All roles and competences
    2. Selected roles and competences
      1. Select competences
    3. Add additional filters:
      1. Show only required roles and competences.
      2. Do not show competence requirements for roles and competence groups: You will only get roles and competence groups without the requirements.
  3. Filter on status
    1. Show all standard statuses: completed, not completed and expired
    2. Show selected statuses
      1. Show not completed
      2. Show completed, set date
      3. Show expired, set date
      4. Show what expires within the next. Select from 1 month to 5 years
    3. Show status in the future
      1. Select date or date in the future relative to now.
  4. Click the "Generate" button to generate the report.
    1. To get the report sent to your e-mail, tick the box. For big reports it is better to get the report sent to you e-mail, so you don’t have to wait until the report is being generated.
    1. Click on "Reset" to make a new report.

Color codes in the report

GreenThe competence is completed
RedThe competence is not completed
YellowThe competence requires repetition. The users` completed date has expired.

The requirement is non-mandatory, i.e. the user does not have to complete the competence.

Read about requirements for a role or competence group.

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