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02. Remote Site Administration

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Once a Trainingportal Offline Site has been installed and registered, Portal Administrators will then have access to the Offline Monitoring Page where they can view the Remote Site registrations that are currently active & will be able to perform tasks in relation to the Offline site.

Remote Sites Home

On this page, all active Remote sites are displayed & this will provide information about the Site, such as the version of Trainingportal Offline that is currently installed, when it was last connected with Trainingportal Online & information on the last Synchronisation. On this page, you will be able to filter the Sites by the number of days that they have not been reachable by the online system in order to sync.

Removing an Offline Site

If for any reason, an Offline site is no longer in use & you no longer require the Offline system for the vessel, you can remove the registration by selecting the Red bin icon located on the right side of the page.

Manual Synchronisation

If you would like to trigger a manual sync as opposed to the automatic synchronisation that runs, this can be accessed by selecting the calendar icon on the right side of the page. Within here you will be able to trigger a number of different synchronisation such as course content required for users to access offline & User accounts for them to be able to log in on the offline system for that vessel. This page will also provide a history of all previous manual synchronisations triggered for the Remote Site.

Force Offline

Trainingportal Offline by default if connected to the internet will allow students to access features that are only accessible via Trainingportal Online. If you would like to force the vessel into offline mode such as when it is likely to enter a non-internet area so students only have access to Offline functionality, you can select the Lightning Bolt icon located on the right side of the page. when selected, you will then be able to select if you would like to only have this in place for a certain time period or until it is re-enabled. To allow this back online, you can just select the button again & confirm to re-enable online functionality.

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