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03. Portal Configuration

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In Trainingportal, you can add dynamic user fields to record information on user profiles specific to your company. Trainingportal will offer the standard user fields, but you may want to add additional fields such as location, role, and employee ID.

Creating Dynamic Fields

To add dynamic attributes, first, you need to create the field under the admin home page. For this, click on the Portal Settings button to configure the new portal dynamic attribute. Once you have created the field, you will be able to register new users with the new dynamic attribute included or access an existing user account to edit the field that you have created.

The new field that you have created will be visible within the reporting tab. For example, when you use the user information report to extract all of the portal user details, you can also include the columns for any of the dynamic fields that you have made.

Tip! When adding a dynamic field, try the list option to create a drop-down field instead of free text. Drop-down lists are easier for students to populate when managing their user details and reduce the risk of unwanted information appearing in the field.

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