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03. Updating User Details

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It's essential in Trainingportal to maintain user profiles and to ensure all user data is up-to-date and accurate.

The most common way for customers to create, maintain and update user profiles in Trainingportal is by integrating with their HR platform. If you use OCS HR, for example, the user management will be automatic. If you use Trainingportal as your primary data entry point, please follow the below guide to update user information if the details are required to be changed.

Changing the users email address

You may want to edit a user's email address if it has been updated, entered incorrectly or if you would like to enter their work email address instead of a personal email address. To edit an email address in Trainingportal, select the required user from within the user's tab. Then select the profile setting on the menu on the left-hand side. Click on the pencil icon for personal settings and enter the required email address. You can update all user profile details from this section.

Editing a users Organisational Unit and Job Position

You can update a user's employee number and the organisational unit directly from the user's profile. To do this, select the Employment tab from the menu on the left-hand side. Click on the icon with the 3 dots to edit the employment information. The page will then allow you to add/remove organisational units and update the users employee number.

Tip! It is possible to amend user information in bulk using scripts. If you would like to query for us to assist with updating any of the user information, please contact your Key Account Manager in Mintra.

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