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06. Set up Assessors and Verifiers

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You will have access to allocate the assessor and verifier roles in the competence module in Trainingportal. These roles can be used to support your competence assessment process after developing your assessments in the system.

Adding an Assessor

To add an assessor to your Portal, navigate to the Competence Tab & then select the assessor's tab from the sub-menu. To add a new assessor, select the add assessor button. You will then receive a list of all users currently active in your portal. Search for the user that you wish to make an assessor & check the box beside their name. On the next page, you will be able to define if this assessor should be able to assess all competencies on your Portal or alternatively you can select the specific Roles/ Competences that they should have access to assess. On the next page, you will then be able to define which organisational unit the assessor should have rights to assess. If the assessor should have access to assess all organisational units, please select the root organisational unit. On the final page, this will show the items that you have selected for the assessor & you will then be able to confirm this action to complete the process of adding the assessor.

Adding a Verifier

To add a Verifier to your Portal, navigate to the Competence Tab & then select the verifier's section on the left side of the page. Once here, to add a Verifier, select the add verifier button. You will then receive a list of all users currently on the Portal. Search for the user that you wish to make a verifier & check the box beside their name. On the next page, you will then be able to select the verifier target percentage of assessment to be verified. If you have more than one competence catalogue, on the next page you will be able to select the catalogues that they should be able to verify assessments for. Once this is selected, the next page will display the organisational structure for you to select which organisational units the verifier should be able to verify assessments for. On the final page, this will display the overview of what has been selected for the verifier & allow you to confirm this action to complete the process of adding a verifier.

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