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33. Users enrolled in a class

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The Users tab for a class shows a list of all the users who are enrolled in the class.

Communicate with users

To communicate with users enrolled to a class, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the course and then to the class.
  2. Click the tab Users.
  3. Click the button Communicate.
  4. Read about the rest of the process here.

Enrol users in a class

The flow for selecting users to be enroled in a class, in almost the same as enrolling users to a course.

  1. Start by going to the class you would like to enrol users to.
  2. Click the tab Users.
  3. Clik Enrol in class.

Set classroom completion

  1. Select if you want to set individual completion dates, or complete all enrolled users with the same date.
  2. Select the date.
  3. Click Save.

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