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01. E-learning tab overview

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  • On the tab E-Learning home, you see a list of all e-learning content on the portal.
  • Here are the following types of e-learning:
Elarning package typeDescription
Imported from zipThis is a SCORM package (file) that is uploaded to Trainingportal via Import content
Trainingportal Publisher

This is content created with functionality Create e-learning content

Note: If you used the older tool "Trainingportal Publisher", you can read more here about how to edit this e-learning content.

PublisherIf you have purchased access to Mintras publishing tool Publisher, you can publish content directly from Publisher to Trainingportal.
The content will then be marked with type Publisher.
Converted from PPTThe content gets converted to HTML and Flash. When converting more than one language, must equal number of slides for each Language be uploaded.
VideoUpload videos directly from Youtube, or locally from your machine. Read more here.

Click the recycle bin to delete the e-learning package. Please note: If e-learning content is used in a course, you must first remove the e-learning content from the course before you can delete e-learning.

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