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02. Create competence group

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  1. Click the button Create competence.
  2. Fill out the form:
    1. Select Competence group under Competence type
    2. Give the item a name. This field is mandatory. If you use multiple languages on the portal, you must fill out the name in all languages.
    3. Fill in an optional description.

You now have two options:

  1. Click Save to manually configure the new item.
  2. Click Start wizard to go through a wizard to configure the item.

The wizard for creating a new competence

The wizard shows you the possible settings and actions for creating the role, and consists of the following optional steps (you can skip the steps you do not wish to complete by clicking Next):

  1. Details: Fill out the form with type, name and description. This is already done when you start the wizard, so you go directly to step 2:
  2. Categories: Select the categories you would like to add. You can also choose not to add any by not selecting any.
  3. Properties: Select the properties you want to include.
  4. Notifications: Select the type of notifications you want to create for the competence group. Read more about notifications here.
  5. Define requirements: Here you can define which other competence groups and competences are required for the new competence group. To find the relevant competence groups and competencies, you have the following options:
    1. Search for name or description
    2. Filter on competence type and search.
      Tip: To view only competence groups, choose competence groups in the drop-down menu and click Search without entering anything in the search field. You will then see all competence groups on your portal.
    3. Get info on an item by clicking on the Info icon
    4. See the items you have selected by clicking the Selected competencies link. Click List to go back to the list of available items.
  6. Define where to use the competence group: You can define the competence group to be a requirement for other competence groups and roles. Read more about this here.
  7. Click Finish to create the competence group and go to the competence group overview page.

For portals that use competence priority, priority can be set on the tab Details.

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